Hello Castro Valley Rotarians,
We hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out to you today to inform you of a program designed to bring real world experience and education to students enrolled in vocational education with the Eden Area Regional Occupational Program Center in Hayward (Eden Area ROP).
Castro Valley Rotary’s Vocational Committee is seeking speakers and industry experts to share their insights and knowledge with students enrolled in the Eden Area ROP that are seeking alternatives to college or university programs. We especially need speakers for the engineering students (Civil, Electrical, Computer Sciences)
Your gift of time is short but tremendously valuable for students enrolled in a variety of program from engineering, medical technology, medical assistant, welding, auto body, construction, electrical, first responders and culinary sciences.
We are seeking presenter with 2 to 10 years (or more) of experience to speak for 15 to 20 minutes on a topic relevant the course materials being taught in these areas and then take 15-20 minutes of question and answers from the audience. The program runs through the end of the school year in May.
The speaker sessions will be done by video conference (Zoom or Goggle Hangouts) and you will be given an opportunity to correspond with the course instructor prior to the event to ensure that your talk is targeted to the audience and the course materials being currently covered. You are welcome to provide a slide presentation if you have one. Otherwise, we are grateful for your participation in the speaker series.
If you are interested in participating, we welcome you to visit the Castro Valley Rotary Club’s Calendly page to see what courses might fit your background. The Calendly webpage is: https://calendly.com/edenarearop
Thank you.
Chris Carr
Vocational Committee Chair