Paul Harris Presentation to Leslie Rothwell
President Carol Wikle presented Leslie Rothwell with her Paul Harris +3 pin, which represents three contributions of $1000 to The Rotary Foundation over the years.  Congratulations to Leslie for her genorisity.
While Rotary annually conducts a Double Sustainer Campaign ($200 donation to the Foundation), members may contribute to The Rotary Foundation in any amount at any time during the year and contributions accumulate until the $1000 level is reached.  To learn more about The Rotary Foundation, go to or contact Dwight Perry or Dan Willits. 

As a result of the MTSS approach, the district has seen the following results:

  • 3000 students receiving social-emotional learning lessons
  • 6000 students receiving positive behavior instruction
  • Overall stable attendance rate of 97%
  • Suspension rates have dropped 1.4 % over the last two years
  • Impressive jumps in Math and English scores 
  • 3rd Grade Math: 10% jump for students overall meeting  or exceeding standards
  • 3rd Grade English: 11% jump for students overall meeting or exceeding standards 
  • Socio-Economically Disadvantaged: 15% jump in 3rd Grade Math and English 
  • Alignment with the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
The entire presentation can be viewed at 

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