After graduating from the Carlson School of Management, Jeff went on to become a Hall-of-Fame Business Achiever. Jeff is most content creating creative content. One of his greatest motivators is motivating others. As an experienced and esteemed speaker, Jeff aims to deliver education, inspiration and entertainment to your sales force.
In a highly interactive and engaging presentation, Jeff Teseri shared three of the seven key abilities that one needs to achieve his/her next breakthrough. Before describing those abilities, Jeff posed three rhetorical questions:
  • Have you ever felt down on your luck?
  • Have you ever felt stuck?
  • Have you ever wanted to yell, “Forget this!”
From here, Jeff noted that everyone would like to
  • Achieve more     
  • Receive more
  • Give more
  • Enjoy life more
From here, Jeff asked “What is the most attractive trait a person can have that not a body part?”  The answer was gratitude, which was the first of the three traits that Jeff went on to describe in his presentation.  Jeff stated, “If you want to be great, begin by being grateful” and proceed to explain how one does this.  He concluded with “Gratitude is a choice.”
The second key ability is creating an inviting environment.  Jeff noted that with each breath one can break down barrier (watch the video for examples). One issue that gets in the way of breakthroughs is that people focus too much on matters that don’t matter.  He suggested the people slow the pace – not a jog, but a walk.  More importantly, Jeff stressed to remove the rush to savor the simple stuff.
The third ability that Jeff described is the number one predictor of happiness – one’s connections.  These connections are the life-giving link; therefore, everyone needs the ability of cultivate and create connection.
Click here to watch Jeff’s entire presentation.  All seven abilities are detailed in his book, The 7 Key Abilities: How to Succeed 7 Days a Week.