At the meeting, Timothy Burroughs, Executive Director of Stopwaste, described the work that Stopwaste is doing throughout the community. Since 1976, Stopwaste has been helping Alameda County’s businesses, residents, and schools waste less, recycle better, and use water, energy and other resources efficiently. We’re a public agency governed by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Energy Council. With local partners, it helped launch the green building movement in California and organized one of the first and largest food scrap collection programs in the country. Our work helps people make better decisions everyday about the products they buy, the resources they use, and the stuff they no longer use. Click here to watch the presentation.
The Club also heard a short presentation by Carol Tan, owner of Akemi Sushi at the Castro Valley Marketplace (click here) to watch the presentation) and by Rotarian Carol Bigelow regarding the Club Food Drive for Ruby's Place (click here to watch the presentation).
Click here to see photos from the meeting.
Click here to read Meeting Highlights with more information about the meeting and to watch the presentations.