Activities of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office - Community Policing
The Rotary Club of Castro Valley was pleased to welcome back Captain Marty Neideffer from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) for another update/presentation on the activities of the ACSO, especially in Castro Valley and the Eden Area. Captain Neideffer heads up the Youth and Family Services Bureau. Read more about the work of this ACSO Bureau here.
Captain Neideffer has overseen the outreach efforts by the Sheriff Department for many years and has developed many programs that epitomize policing in the 21st Century. This new model of policing is based on building trust in the community. In implementing the model, ACSO takes a systems-level approach and strives to deal with issues that underlie crime, which is particularly important in communities that have suffered from decades of neglect.
Captain Neideffer described different types of “capital” that they try to build through the model, which includes; Parks, Cultural, Healing (nutrition, education, healthcare), Community, Political, Financial, and Buildings. One great example of building capital is the Dig Deep Farms on Fairmont Avenue that grows food that is donated to food banks and needy families. Dig Deep Farms also provide employment for a number of people on the farm.
Watch Captain Neideffer's complete presentation here. The following videos were included in the presentation: (1) Community Policing & Partnership (must see!); (2) ABC 7 News on Dig Deep Farms; and (3) Ribbon Cutting for Sports Complex (from Univision in Spanish)
Six Keys for a Successful Business Website
Rotarian Kern Lewis was the six-minute business presenter. Kern has been in marketing for 40 years including KO Websites in Castro Valley and has recently retired. Earlier in his career,
Kern served in the Peace Corps in the Ukraine. His presentation focused on the six keys for a successful business website, which included
- Attractive - What is attractive changes with time. You need to be up to date.
- Responsive - Your site needs to work on different devices. Modern website programs do this automatically, but older ones do not.
- Secure - Google really wants this. Without it, they will make you lower in their algorithms.
- Fresh - Google also wants to know that you are updating your website. Do something every month.
- Easy to navigate - Think of your website as a conversation with customers.
- Clear calls for action - How can they contact you? What are you wanting them to do?
Watch Kern's entire presentation here.
Nominating committee
Past President and Nominating Committee Chair Gary Howard announced that the Committee (i.e., all Past Club President) had met and voted 14-0 to nominate Chris Carr as the 2022-2023 President-Elect with Chris becoming the 2023-2024 Club President. President Dwight Perry moved that the nominations be closed. It was seconded and approved, and Chris was elected. Congratulations to Chris!
Future Events
President Dwight announced that the pandemic continues to cause us to reschedule some events, but that we are proceeding with the planning for the chili cook-off and rodeo parade in May.
Roland Williams announced that CVSan will sponsor their Zero Waste Week on 7-12 February. Among their activities is a fruit gleaning effort. They will pick fruit from trees and donate it to food banks. Last year they gathered 2000 pounds. If you have a tree, please contact them.