Yon Hardisty, Founder of Forestr.org
Yon Hardisty He had a highly successful career in software development and venture capital before applying his experience to a new venture. Forestr.org is a 501c3 nonprofit with a mission to “educate local communities about permaculture practices, plant local lands with the forests of the future, and employ local visionaries in green jobs for all ages.” Their activities include gleaning and contributing to local food banks, removing litter and improving land for growing trees, planting trees, donating plants, and developing mini-parks, and assisting in the design of park and other forested areas. Forestr.org seeks to do things the hard way, the right way, and the permanent way so that the new forests and parks will be here for decades and more.  The Club looks forward to hearing more from Yon in the future.  Learn more about the work of Forestr.org here and watch Yon's engaging presentation here.
Adopt-a-Family Gift Wrapping
Once again under the outstanding leadership of Chief Shopper Dr. Heidi Hausauer, the Club participated in the H.A.R.D. Adopt-a-Family Program by sponsoring three families.  During the meeting, members and guest heard from Zach Ebadi, who formerly coordinated the program for H.A.R.D. and now work for the City of Hayward in the City Manager's Office.  Zack introduced Jamie Molina who is now coordinating the program for H.A.R.D. Watch Zach's presentation here.  After the meeting, the Club then adjourned to wrap gifts for nine children as part of the program. Dr. Heidi had purchased all the gifts and wrapping paper so members could enjoy wrapping and get into the holiday spirit.
Meeting Announcements
  • Community Foundation - Jim Phillips reviewed the status of the new Community Foundation and noted that the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation will be circulated by via email.  Jim requested that members contribute any edits, corrections, comments, or questions to him so that the Club can finalize the documents.
  • Nominating committee - Gary Howard announced that the Past Presidents will meet after the meeting to begin the process of nominating a President to follow Lytrel Carter.
  • Holiday Party - Lytrel Carter and John Aufdermauer reviewed the details of the upcoming Holiday Party.  Over members and guests will be in attendance and the traditional “white elephant” gift exchange will take place.  
  • The Rotary Foundation (TRF) - President Dwight Perry thanked everyone who has already donated to TRF and encouraged all members to make a contribution to TRF. The Club has an extraordinary tradition of supporting the great work of the Foundation.
Thank you to Gary Howard for the meeting notes and to Gary Bosley for the photos.